Address incontinent patient cleansing needs quickly and efficiently. Keep incontinence associated dermatitis under control.
Incontinence associated skin damage is common in hospitalised patients
Perineal skin damage occurs in as many as 33% hospitalised patients. Those with impaired mobility and faecal incontinence are the most at risk.
Friction increases skin breakage. Urine and faecal bacteria weakens the skin’s natural barrier and permits skin damage and infection.
Incontinence associated dermatitis spreads fast
Dymacare offers a range of comprehensive one-step continence care wipes and wash mitts to clean, refresh, moisturise and create a protective barrier.
No more water, soap and barrier creams
Thick large size wipes and mitts allow easily clean soiled areas. Soft materials enriched with natural fibres* are gentle and less-irritating to skin.
*30% wood pulp
Fast and easy cleanups
Gentle skin soothing formulas
All-in-one formulas, enriched with barrier cream, aloe vera, dimethicone, liquid paraffin and even bacterial protection.